4 Things to Do Before You Go Off-Roading


There’s nothing better than spending the weekend going off-roading in your Chevy, but we here at JN Chevrolet want to make sure you’re doing so safely. That’s why we put together this list of four things you should do before going off-roading, including:

Check the Basics

Check all of your fluids, such as windshield wiper, coolant, oil, power steering, brake fluid, differentials, and more. Basically, if there’s a fluid level in your 4×4, we recommend that you check it. There’s nothing worse than getting out in the mud only to figure out your power steering is messed up or your brakes are shot.

Examine Your Tires

If you’re going off-roading, you’re going to be stressing your tires. Ensure that you’re not about to shoot yourself in the foot by checking your tire pressure, inflating where necessary, checking their wear, and don’t forget about your spare.

Check the Weather/Geography

What’s the weather like where you’re planning on off-roading? Dry and windy desert conditions will call for much different preparations than rainy and mountainous drives. Be sure you know where you’re planning on driving and what the weather is supposed to be like before you leave.

Get Out Your GPS

On that same note, unless you’re intimately familiar with wherever you’re going off-roading (and even then), consider bringing a separate GPS with you on your drive. Most smartphones have an inbuilt GPS, but people forget to charge their phones and batteries can run out more quickly than you expect. A dedicated GPS that plugs into your vehicle is one of those things that’s better to have and not need than need and not have.

These aren’t the only things you need to do before going off-roading, of course, but they are vital to any great off-road experience. For further information on how to make your next adventure great, contact us online or visit us at in person at JN Chevrolet. Better yet, schedule a service appointment, and we’ll make sure your vehicle is in tip-top shape before you head out.

Image: Zach Dischner CC BY 2.0

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