What to Keep in Mind Bringing Your Dog to the Beach


One of the greatest parts of living on an island is the vast amount of beaches you have access to a daily basis. And if you’re a dog-lover, it’s only natural that you’ll want to take your canine buddy to join in on your fun. But the beach can hold some hazards for our four-legged friends. That’s why we here at JN Chevrolet have put together this list of things to keep in mind when bringing your dog to the beach.


Dogs can get sunburned

Just like you can, your dog can get sunburned. Roughly half an hour before you plan on spending time out in the sun, apply a zinc-free sunblock to your dog’s nose and ears to help protect them.

Running on the beach is hard

There’s a reason they make people do it in the military. Running on sand, especially wet sand, is a great form of exercise, but it can tire your dog out much more than you might expect. And when Rover gets tired, he’s going to want to drink something…

Sea water is bad for dogs

It’s bad for people, and it’s just as bad for dogs. Make sure to bring water along for your dog to drink, because without it, she might think those waves look awfully tasty. Ingesting sea water can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration, so keep that in mind.

Keep track of your dog’s paws

It’s nice to lay out on the sand, but it can hurt your dog’s paws if you’re not careful. Besides it simply being too hot, sand can also hide sharp lava rocks, fish hooks, broken glass, and other things you wouldn’t be happy about finding in your own feet. Make sure they don’t wind up in your dog’s either.


We hope this list proves helpful to you and your dog, and that you both enjoy yourselves the next time you hit the beach. Before you go, though, be sure to stop by our service department so we can make sure your car has a great time too. (You don’t want it to be left out of the fun, do you?)

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